
In public facilities, there are often many interests to consider. There are many user groups and desired activities, and they all need to be allowed to function without conflicting with each other.

No matter what facility we’re working with, part of the task is to collaborate with and consult all parties involved about wishes, needs and special considerations. The project can then be tailored to take into account the individual requirements of users, staff and site maintenance workers.

We work with flexible spaces and elements that allow for varied use of the space in different seasons and for more or less formal events. As the projects are often large-scale, the relationship with the landscape context also plays an important role.

The studio carries out design and planning in connection with renovation or new construction of all types of outdoor areas and facilities.

We also create play, sensory and exercise areas for various institutions such as nurseries, kindergartens, schools, leisure centers, day care centers and nursing homes.