Åhusene – Frederiksberg
OWNER AB Åhusene
ADDRESS Frederiksberg
AREA 210 m2
YEAR 2010
STATUS Completed
Renovation of the courtyard environment with a desire to create light, air and more seating options.
This relatively small courtyard was completely renovated to give it a whole new look, where, despite the limited space, great variation was achieved and the possibility of more living spaces, the latter of which was a great wish. A green roof over a former garage – now a common room – contributes to the courtyard being bright and welcoming from the individual apartments.
All fixtures and fittings were replaced and the bicycle and waste disposal areas that previously dominated the courtyard were screened off and linked to the entrance area. This division has helped to ensure that the courtyard appears much larger and has more content than the few square meters suggest.
Green roofs counteract the so-called “heat island effect” (overheating of cities). At the same time, green roofs slow down the flow of rainwater to the sewers, thus helping to protect our sewers from flooding during cloudbursts.