bregninge Cemetery
BUILDER Bregninge Parish Council
AREA 12,600 m2
STATUS Completed
The development plan for Bregninge Cemetery will embrace the old and new sections of the cemetery in close connection to the church forest and the amphitheater by the lake. The church’s unique location in the landscape and the many outdoor activities associated with the cemetery have helped set the framework, where the new types of gravesites are closely intertwined with a path system that embraces the entire area and opens up with access to the forest and amphitheater and with easy access from the Care Center.
The emphasis is on new types of graves that make the cemetery more attractive as a burial place and as a visitor to the cemetery. The proposal also promotes the biodiversity of the area.
The access from Kaldredvej will be enhanced in its expression and make the access more accessible. From the church, the view down over the beautiful old village houses will be enhanced. The square around the church will become more square-like with the existing heart-shaped trees in a new ground-covering planting that is repeated around the western gable of the church, where the technical installations are blurred. This creates more tranquillity and gives access to the church a more solid foundation.
The old and new sections of the cemetery will have a more unifying narrative through a path system that is an accessibility path. In terms of scale, the future cemetery sections interact better and the planting variation also creates a link between the new and old sections.
The old cemetery, characterized by being surrounded by walls or stonework, is changing character. A more distinctive entrance from Kaldredvej, which opens into a square formation, will enhance the church’s arrival area. The grove to the northeast unifies this area and makes it more distinctive. The lapidary facing Kalundborgvej will also become a
distinctive setting for this section of the cemetery. All new initiatives reinforce the fine elements in the area and towards the northeast and east they also have a sound-absorbing effect.
This section is characterized by the large mowed lawn, which in the new proposal still has a significant dominance but changes the level of care to several different types of grasses mixed with herbs. The current sections are retained, but are laid out in mown and unmown grass respectively. The steep slope towards the cemetery wall is changed
to a new planting of herbaceous vegetation that mimics the planting of the gravel pit. Large stones will also be re-laid with the gravel pit as inspiration and a stage with the church as a backdrop will allow the area to be used for outdoor church services and other events. The forest is included both as a grave section but also as an extended recreational space, where the link to the existing cemetery is strengthened with a common memorial site and a larger opening between the forest and the mown grass areas. Conversely, the perimeter planting in the existing cemetery will be reinforced to make it more forest-like.
To create a strong connection between the church, parking lot, parish hall and tomb building, a new arrival area is established. The arrival area is designed with an emphasis on a universal design that creates accessibility for everyone. The purpose is also to create a direct connection to the church’s main entrance, as a visual
main axis. There will be better access for the hearse. The material yard will be moved out into the forest, making the arrival area more calm and harmonious and improving access from the Care Center. At the current material yard, there will be a square with seating. The space in front of the porch will have the character of a square with the area’s current beautiful hawthorn trees as overhangs, which will be used as a base for an area with ground cover and spring flowers. The flagpole is also located in the square.