Jungshoved Cemetery
BUILDER Jungshoved Menighedsråd
AREA 6.000 M2
STATUS Completed
In collaboration with the parish council, the design studio has prepared a proposal for a development plan for Jungshoved Cemetery. Like many other cemeteries, Jungshoved Cemetery has large areas with empty graves and an increasing demand for urn graves, as well as demand for new types of graves with fewer obligations.
In addition, there is an increasing demand for burials of people who are not members of the national church. The cemetery is so small that it doesn’t make sense to have special sections for all the different faiths, but by rethinking the existing sections to give nature a more prominent role

A row of alder trees is planted to shield from the strong westerly wind.
Main grips
The access road to the church will be tightened and paved to accommodate people with walking difficulties and visual impairments. Solid paving will also be established for the chapel. The axis between the church and the castle hill is pulled up with two rows of ornamental cherries in a bed of dune roses.

Biodiversity in the cemetery
The cemetery is divided into sections with different planting and maintenance styles. This makes it possible to offer several different types of graves and makes the cemetery more exciting to visit.
Work is underway to increase biodiversity to attract butterflies and birds, and beehives and nesting houses for birds can be set up in the orchard.
Various seating areas will be established (Forecourts, arrival area, photo area, flower area) and several benches will be set up and a lapidarium will be established south of the church where the ground is unsuitable for burials. This will make the old, exciting gravestones more visible.