Nature pool – Vedbæk
ADDRESS Kratmosevej, Vedbæk
STATUS Completed
The paving is done as two different surfaces: the driveway and the path to the front door/backyard.
The driveway to the carport and carport consists of undulating bands of concrete blocks in different sizes and pavement stones as undulating bands in between.
The path to the front door/garden consists of a series of straight concrete tiles laid in a cobblestone pavement with straight cobblestone lines, forming a walkable line from street to front door and from front door to garden. The existing cobblestone path from the front garden will be extended the last part to meet the new path paving.
A beech hedge separates the front garden from the driveway and an ivy bed will be planted along the house on the way to the front door. Under the breezeway, at the back of the house, a wooden deck will connect the existing terrace and the planned path to the front door.
On the corner of the house at the end of the ivy bed, a beech hedge is placed, which is continued on the other side of the path to screen the front garden.