Vallensbæk Church Forest
LOCATION Vallensbæk
BUILDER Vallensbæk Church Parish Council
YEAR 2024
STATUS Completed
Vallensbæk Parish is the owner of a 16-hectare agricultural area east of Vallensbæk Torvevej. The area is currently leased out. Vallensbæk Parish Council wants a forest to be planted on the area. The parish council sees the forest as an experience forest with the cemetery’s visitors and the municipality’s citizens as users.
The forest will be experiential by incorporating glades and wetlands. A trail system will be designed that connects to the area’s other trails. The area connects to the area’s existing recreational areas and trail system in a natural way that optimizes the overall recreational experience.
Different types of forest are used to ensure varied experiences and contribute positively to CO2 accounting and biodiversity. The area will contribute positively to the village’s cultural environment, which is an important asset in Vallensbæk municipality. A link is created between the existing cemetery and the forest, so that the cultural heritage represented by the churches interacts with the new forest area.
The church forest was inaugurated on June 3rd wherecitizens, city council members and children from the local school met and participated in the planting of the new forest. Read about the inauguration here.
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